July 15, 2022

Afghanistan: Caught between Occupation and Oppression

Afghanistan Tour

A photo from the tour


Twice a month - contact us for exact dates


Run on donations

In August 2021, after 20 years of American occupation and war in Afghanistan, the world was captivated by images and footage coming from Kabul of one of history’s biggest ever airlifts. As occupying forces swiftly left Afghanistan, the Taliban quickly filled the void left by occupying powers and retook the country that had long held hopes of a brighter future. This walking tour explores the history of war and occupation in Afghanistan as well as the oppressive Taliban regime in comparison to Germany’s history, which has in some ways experienced similar turmoil but with different reactions from international powers. We want to raise awareness of the situation Afghans are facing today and explain this very complex history in a way that is both understandable and interactive. 

Duration: around 2 hours

End: Potsdamer Platz

Price of the tour: Our tours are run on a tip basis and a suggested donation of between 5 and 10 euros is what most ‘free tour guides’ expect in Berlin.

If you would like to book a private tour please fill out the form below or, contact us.

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